Can you give yourself permission that it’s OK to make mistakes in order to grow? If we’re not making NEW mistakes, it’s a sure sign we’re playing too safe.
Why are you staying stuck ?
Why are you staying stuck? Discover how to exit your comfort zone (or safety zone) and start changing your life.
Anxiety – It’s a Doing Process
What’s the difference between thriving under pressure or losing sleep with worry? Resilience! There’s a recipe for resilience.
Reslience Hack 3
The risk of digging a big hole of negative ‘what if’s’ is a possibility to get trapped in there. See the Resilience Mindset Hack to avoid the trap!
Possibilities not Probabilities
Stress and Anxiety Lifehack from Pureresults. Start using your possibilities and stop relying on probabilities with Life Coaching Programme.
Overcoming Anxiety
Anxiety! Does feeling anxious hold you back? Does anxiety prevent you from doing what you really want to do and being your best?
How to Release Your Old Fears
Are you second-guessing yourself and not moving ahead? Our fears are like a handbrake on your car, sometimes useful but you can’t move forward with it always on.
Progress Over Perfection for Success
Where are you holding yourself back because of that old fear of failure? Discover the 3 Growth Mindset tools that make all the difference